My twitter/foodbuzz/blogger friend Michelle from Brown Eyed Baker posted a blog today about brownies. First, it made me drool. Second, it made me really really want brownies.
The only problem, I can't have chocolate (I know so depressing huh?) my doctor has me on no caffeine because I get these headaches...
ANYWAYS! That is not the point. The point is brownies. Warm, gooey, chocolately brownies (pardon the drool spots on this posting)
On Michelle's post, she asked people to share their favorite brownies. So I thought I would share mine. Peppermint brownies.
They are is why. I use box mixes, but before you judge, there are some good ones out there. So, when you are in a hurry for a brownie fix, it is a good solution.
So, you will need one box of your favorite brownies, or a great recipe. One package of mint chips. And all the ingredients to make the brownies. After you have the batter prepared throw in a handful, or two, or five of the mint chips. Bake, enjoy!
Now, I have made these several ways. A couple drops of peppermint extract. Crushed candy cane. Crushed Andes Mints. Melted mint chips on top. But my favorite is the mint chips in the mix.
So, go ahead whip up some brownies and enjoy! If I could, I would! :)
Thanks for the inspiration Michelle!
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